50% of Realo Seller Leads result in property sales: How estate agents benefit
Seller leads have become an integral part of the success of a real estate agent. When users seek out a valuation of their property on the Realo platform, it takes only a few clicks to get them connected with a certified real estate agent. This allows an agent to work with potential new customers and anticipate a future sale even before the property hits the market.
1 in 2 Realo Seller Leads hit the real estate market
According to our latest estimates up to half of all seller leads hit the market within 18 months. Of these more than a quarter will be listed online after only two months and after five months already half have been published. In 2021 the seller leads had an estimated potential transaction value of more than a billion euros.

More visitors and more quality
To guarantee our seller lead quality, the onboarding process for interested sellers was expanded in January of 2021. Despite these modifications Realo delivered even more seller leads in comparison to 2020, an increase of no less than 46% in 2021. Another outcome of these modifications was a rise in the visibility of real estate agents towards potential sellers. For each seller lead that is sent out, an agent has been introduced approximately 7 times to a user with a sales intent, even if that agent is not contacted in the end. This adds up to a total of more than 25 000 potential leads last year.
More partners, more opportunities
The number of real estate agents that made use of Realo Seller Leads grew by half compared to 2020, confirming an established confidence in the quality delivered. The growing popularity can mostly be seen in and around large cities and Brussels. Since Realo works with a select number of real estate agents within a region to ensure the visibility of every agent, more opportunities open up outside the most common areas.
All things considered, it seems that if 2022 keeps up the momentum, we are heading towards a year full of opportunities, both at Realo and with our trusted and new partners.
If you also want to take advantage of this growing popularity and discover new opportunities, contact Realo now to receive Realo Seller Leads.